Congratulations to 2019 Spelling Bee Winners!

Community Outreach Academy  - Congratulations to 2019 Spelling Bee Winners!

This year’s Spelling Bee was organized by the Intervention and ELD teachers with the help of Mr. Strauch, Mr. Diego, and Mrs. Strobel. Only 4th graders participated in the annual event this year and it was held on Thursday, March 28th! Each 4th grade class had a student representative and those students that participated were chosen after having participated in their own class Spelling Bee.

The students were nervous as the event got under way, but having a dancing bee on stage helped ease their nerves. First, second, and third place winners received gift certificates which were generously donated by our exclusive sponsor, Stage Nine Entertainment& G. Williker’s Toy Emporium in Old Sacramento. 1st Place won $25.00 Gift Certificate, 2nd place won $20.00, 3rd place won $15.00 to spend on anything they want from their family of stores! All the participants received a certificate of participation and two word study books, as well as, a Domino’s pizza luncheon at Pavilion afterwards. It was a successful event!

Congratulations to 2019 Spelling Bee Winners!

Gulnoza Rizam 1 place (Amy Meyer); Eliana Maliy 2 nd place (Roman Prishlyak); Mark Yadchuk 3 rd place (Nadiya Raley)

spelling Bee winners f


Chue Cha, Intervention Teacher

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